Where the hell am I?... funny
I like this, it has potential, clean up the sound quality and make a few short episodes, looks like it could be a winner, the characters look cool
Where the hell am I?... funny
I like this, it has potential, clean up the sound quality and make a few short episodes, looks like it could be a winner, the characters look cool
Dont ask for sympathy
...because people wont hesitate to hit zero just because its your first movie, if something suxx then it just suxx, if it deserves a good score it'll get one, honestly, the drawings arnt very good, the only thing I liked in this was the music
Always funny to see toys beating the shit outta each other
I agree... It's funny because they do what I make them do...Hah.
Automatically rated 0 due to sticks
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 9.64 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 7% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 9.64 votes!
Sticks are gay
heh loved the style...
very chibi-like makes a change from all the sticks... I'd call this semi-stick but at least he has character, great work man and excellent job with the sound.
You arn't an animater...
please dont go tell your friends that you can animate... because you cant, you know how to draw sticks and use motion tweens, Sticks are what they are... what they are in my opinion is pathetic, a lazy excuse for somebody to try and get noticed, I dont expect premium quality from anybody here on AP... but few people try, you arnt one of them, like myself, many other viewers will have rated on zero because you used sticks, cant you take an extra hour or two to draw a decent character?
These are piss funny m8!!
I've watched them all so far and its good to see another northener here on the grounds... THESE ARE FUCKING WELL FUNNY, especially episode I
"That was unexpected"... laffed my ass off there.
You're work is so cool
You definatly know how to direct quality material... all you need now is good graphics and animation... I'd love to see something like "the unknown" but as a properly drawn cartoon... sorry I just hate sticks.. they may have been funny when flash first came out and everyone showed us how good they were at making fight scenes... but now they're just plain boring... btw that hammer in the bar short was fucking awesomly funny
I can see you spent a lot of time on this
The drawing and the fight effects are cool, but the animation isnt very smooth, which it should be for this kind of movie, I like how you tried to make it look 3d though, it looked like one of the old nintendo goof-ups when they first tried 3d games lol... still fairly good.. I like ur style though
For the Newgrounds minority that play this game, they will only need to see the title and hit your link, but then they will watch an think..."What the fuck does this have to do with my all time favourite time killer?", I understood what it was about vaguely, but maybe the buds in my system are scrambling my vision a little... oh yeah you 'stole' me title lol, I'm workin on a series and the first episode is titled "the awakening" SONY ARE CORRUPT!!! PLAY BUG HUNT!!!! ITS FREEEEEE!!!!
I love to animate - an I'm gettin better at it too.
Age 39, Male
DJ, Breakdancer
Manchester, England
Joined on 9/30/01